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罗潋葱,博士,副研究员。1972年生于湖南,汉族,中共党员。1996年和2001年分别在南京气象学院(现南京信息工程大学)气象系本科和硕士毕业,2004年在中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所获“自然地理学”博士学位,同年留所工作,先后被聘为助理研究员和副研究员。2006-2010年先后在新西兰Waikato大学CBER (Center of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research) 做访问学者和博士后研究,2010年6-8月在丹麦Aarhus大学NERI (National Environmental Research Institute) 做高级访问学者。发表论文60多篇,参编专著2部。


1. 水环境数值模型的开发与运用;
2. 蓝藻水华(水质)预测预警系统的开发;
3. 流域和气候变化对湖泊(水库)生态系统影响数值模拟;
4. 水环境自动监测网络建设。

1. 水质监测数据自动接收与分析系统的开发;
2. 一维水动力/水质模型(DYRESM-CAEDYM)参数自动率定软件的开发和向GPU高性能并行运算计算机的程序移植;
3. 三维水动力/水质模型模型(ELCOM-CAEDYM)和流域模型(SWAT)的耦合。
4. 气候变化对气候敏感区域水库(湖泊)生态系统影响模拟。

Luo L C, Hamilton D P, 2010. Estimation of total cloud cover from solar radiation observations at Lake Rotorua, New Zealand. Solar Energy , 84(3): 501-506.
Zhang Y L, Feng L Q, Li J S, Luo L C, Yin Y, Liu M L, Li Y L, 2010. Seasonal-spatial variation and remote sensing of phytoplankton absorption in Lake Taihu, a large eutrophic and shallow lake in China. Journal of Phytoplankton Research, 32(7): 1023-1037.
Wu T F, Luo L C, Qin B Q et al., 2009. A vertically integrated eutrophication mathematical model and its applicability in river-style reservoir - Fuchunjiang. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21: 1-10.
吴挺峰, 罗潋葱,崔广伯等, 2009. 河流型水库垂向二维水沙数学模型. 水科学进展, 20(2): 215-221.
Trolle D, Zhu G W, Hamilton D P, Luo L C, McBride C, Zhang L, 2009. The influence of water quality and sediment geochemistry on the horizontal and vertical distribution of phosphorus and nitrogen in sediments of a large, shallow lake. Hydrobiologia, 627: 31-44.
张运林, 杨龙元, 秦伯强, 高光, 罗潋葱, 朱广伟, 刘明亮, 2008. 太湖北部湖区COD浓度空间分布及与其它要素的相关性研究. 环境科学, 29(6): 1457-1462.
李一平, 逄勇, 刘兴平, 罗潋葱, 徐秋霞, 2008. 太湖波浪数值模拟. 湖泊科学, 20(1): 117-122.
Luo L C, Qin B Q, Yang L Y et al., 2007. Total inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen by wet deposition into Lake Taihu, China. Hydrobiologia, 581: 63-70.
Luo L C, Qin B Q, Yang L Y, Song Y Z, 2007. Seasonal and regional variations in precipitation chemistry in the Lake Taihu Basin, China. Atmospheric Environment, 41: 2674-2679.
Qin B Q, Xu P Z, Wu Q L, Luo L C, Zhang Y L, 2007. Environmental issues of Lake Taihu, China. Hydrobiologia, 581: 3-14.
Zhu G W, Qin B Q, Gao G, Zhang L, Luo L C, Zhang Y L, 2007. Effects of hydrodynamics on phosphorus concentrations in water of Lake Taihu, a large, shallow, eutrophic lake of China. Hydrobiologia, 581: 53-61.
Luo L C, Qin B Q, Zhu G W, Sun X J, Hong D L, Gao Y J, Xie R, 2006. Nutrient fluxes induced by disturbance in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. Science in China (Ser. D). 49: 186-192.
Luo L C, Qin B Q, Gao G, Zhu G W, Zhang J S, 2006. Sediment properties and dynamics in the large shallow Lake Taihu, China. International Journal of Sediment Research, 21 (4): 312-320.
Zhu G W, Qin B Q, Wang W M, Zhang L, Luo L C, 2006. Geochemical forms of phosphorus in sediments of three large shallow lakes of China. Pedosphere, 16 (6): 726-734.
Qin B Q, Zhu G W, Zhang L, Luo L C, Gao G, Gu B H, 2006. Estimation of internal nutrient release in large shallow Lake Taihu, China. Science in China (Ser. D), 49: 38-50.
Zhang L, Zhu G W, Luo L C, Gao G, Zhang Y L, Qin B Q & Fan C X, 2006. Wind-wave affected phosphate loading variations and their relationship to redox condition in Lake Taihu. Science in China (Ser. D), 49: 154-161.
Zhang Y L, Qin B Q, Zhu G W, Gao G, Luo L C & Chen W M, 2006. Effect of sediment resuspension on underwater light field in shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River: A cade study in Longgan Lake and Taihu Lake. Science in China (Ser. D), 49: 114-125.
Sun X J, Zhu G W, Luo L C, Qin B Q, 2006. Experimental study on phosphorus release from sediments of shallow lake in wave flume. Science in China (Ser. D), 49: 92-101.
Pang Y, Li Y P, Luo L C, 2006. Simulation of transparency of Lake Taihu under different hydrodynamic conditions. Science in China (Ser. D), 49: 162-175.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 孙小静, 洪大林, 高亚军, 谢瑞, 2005. 动力扰动下太湖梅梁湾水-沉积物界面的营养盐释放通量. 中国科学D辑 (增刊II), 35: 166-172.
秦伯强, 朱广伟, 张路, 罗潋葱, 高光, Gu Binghe, 2005. 大型浅水湖泊沉积物内源营养盐释放模式及其估算方法. 中国科学D辑 (增刊II), 35, 33-44.
孙小静, 朱广伟, 罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 2005. 浅水湖泊沉积物磷释放的波浪水槽实验研究. 中国科学D辑 (增刊II), 35, 81-89.
张运林, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 高光, 罗潋葱, 陈伟民, 2005. 长江中下游浅水湖泊沉积物再悬浮对水下光场的影响研究. 中国科学D辑 (增刊II), 35, 101-110.
张路, 朱广伟, 罗潋葱, 高光, 张运林, 秦伯强, 范成新, 2005. 风浪作用下太湖梅梁湾水体磷负荷变化及与水体氧化还原特征关系. 中国科学D辑 (增刊II), 35, 138-144.
逄勇, 李一平, 罗潋葱, 2005. 水动力条件下太湖透明度模拟研究. 中国科学D辑 (增刊II), 35, 145-156.
朱广伟, 秦伯强, 张路, 罗潋葱, 2005. 太湖底泥悬浮中营养盐释放的波浪水槽试验. 湖泊科学, 17(1): 61-68.
朱广伟, 秦伯强, 高光, 罗潋葱, 2005. 太湖近代沉积物中重金属元素的积累. 湖泊科学, 17(2): 143-150.
张运林, 秦伯强, 陈伟民, 高光, 朱广伟, 吴生财, 罗潋葱, 杨顶田 2005. 龙感湖水体光学特性的观测. 湖泊科学, 17(2): 114-119.
宋玉芝, 秦伯强, 杨龙元, 胡维平, 罗潋葱, 2005. 太湖北部典型乔木冠层对酸性降雨的中和作用. 湖泊科学, 17(2): 157-161.
宋玉枝, 秦伯强, 杨龙元, 胡维平, 罗潋葱, 2005. 大气湿沉降向太湖水生生态系统输送氮的初步估算. 湖泊科学, 17(3): 226-230.
宋玉枝, 秦伯强, 杨龙元, 胡维平, 罗潋葱, 2005. 太湖沿岸湿沉降的化学特性及水体酸化的趋势. 南京气象学院学报, 28(5): 593-600.
胡维平, 胡春华, 张发兵, 胡志新, 陈永根, 季江, 罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 2005. 太湖北部风浪波高计算模式观测分析. 湖泊科学, 17(1): 41-46.
Luo L C, Qin B Q. 2004. Sediment distribution pattern maped from the combination of objective analysis and geostatistics in the large shallow Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 16 (6): 908-911.
Luo L C, Qin B Q. 2004. Numerical simulation based on a three-dimensional shallow-water hydrodynamic model - Current circulations in Lake Taihu with prevailing wind-forcing. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 16 (3): 341-349.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 张运林, 2004. 太湖梅梁湾冬季湖流特征. 湖泊科学, 16 (1) 73-76.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 2004. 太湖沉积物的分布特征和不同动力扰动下的最大侵蚀深度. 泥沙研究, 1, 9-14.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 2004. 太湖上游的水文特征及灾害分析. 灾害学, 19 (1): 21-26.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 2004.太湖流域上游降水特征研究. 地理科学, 24(24): 472-476.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 胡维平, 张发兵, 2004, 不同水动力扰动下太湖沉积物的悬浮特征. 湖泊科学. 16 (3): 273-276.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 胡维平, 季江, 张发兵, 2004. 太湖波动特征分析. 水动力学研究与进展(A), 19(5): 664-670.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 2004. 太湖底泥蓄积量和可悬浮量的计算. 海洋与湖沼, 35(6): 491-496.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟等, 2004. 太湖冬夏季流场特征及湖流涡旋形成得机制研究. 见: 邵维文, 张鸿锵, 赵文谦等主编. 中国水利水电工程, 中国海洋出版社, 北京, pp 572-587.
Qin B Q, Hu W P, Gao G, Luo L C, 2004. The Dynamics of resuspension and conceptual mode of nutrient releases from sediments in large shallow Lake Taihu, China. Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 49 (1): 54-64.
秦伯强, 罗潋葱, 2004. 太湖生态环境演化及其原因分析. 第四纪研究, 24(5): 561-568.
张运林, 秦伯强, 陈伟民, 罗潋葱, 2004. 太湖水体悬浮物研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 13 (3): 266-271.
朱广伟, 秦伯强, 高光, 张路, 罗潋葱, 2004. 灼烧对沉积物烧失量及铁、磷测定的影响. 分析试验室, 23(9): 72-76.
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 朱广伟, 吕恒, 2004. 使用最优插值法确定太湖数值模拟中的初始场. 2004年全国博士论坛学术论文文集(华东师范大学, 5月10-12日).
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 2003. 波浪和湖流对太湖底泥悬浮的影响研究. 水文, 23 (4): 1-4.
罗潋葱, 张发兵, 2003. ADP在太湖沉积物再悬浮分析中的应用. 湖泊科学, 15(4): 331-338
罗潋葱, 秦伯强, 2003. 基于三维浅水模式的太湖水动力数值模拟-盛行风作用下的流场特征. 水动力学研究与进展(A), 18(6): 686-691.
秦伯强, 胡维平, 高光, 罗潋葱, 2003. 太湖沉积物悬浮的动力机制及内源释放的概念性模式. 科学通报. 48 (17): 1822-1831.
朱广伟, 高光, 秦伯强, 罗潋葱, 2003. 浅水湖泊沉积物中磷的地球化学特征. 水科学进展, 14(6): 714-719.
张运林, 罗潋葱, 2003. 江苏省近47年来的梅雨特征及其灾害影响. 灾害学, 18(2): 58-62.
罗潋葱, 苗春生, 寿绍文. 现代天气分析与预报网络多媒体课件的设计与开发. 气象教育与科技, 2000, 22 (4): 13-17.
秦伯强,胡维平,陈伟民等. 太湖水环境演化的过程与机理研究.科学出版社, 2004年。
Luo L C, 2008. Hydrodynamics and its effects of the aquatic ecosystem. In: Lake Taihu, China – Dynamics and Environmental Change, Ed, B Q Qin, pp 115-149. Springer Publ., The Netherlands.

Luo L C. Dai S J, Yang S, Yao W. 2011. Simulating climate,sediment resuspension and external loading impacts on water quality of Lake Taihu using a three-dimensional lake ecosystem model (ELCOM-CAEDYM). The 7th International Shallow Lake Conference, Wuxi, P.R.China, April 24-28, 2011
White P.A., Hamilton D., Hong T., Luo L., Gibbs M., Bruere A. 2009. Towards restoration of water quality in the Rotorua lakes, New Zealand, science and engineering. Korean Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Yongpyong, May 2009.
Luo L C & Hamilton D P, 2008. Dial Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics and Simulation Based on DYRESM-CAEDYM in Lake Rotorua, New Zealand, Lake Rotorua Symposium, Lake Rotorua, New Zealand, 12-13 Aug. 2008.
Luo L C, D P Hamilton, P White, W Ye, W Silvester, T Hong, 2008. Simulating climate and land use impacts on lake water quality using a coupled climate-watershed-lake ecosystem model, Physical Processes In Natural Waters PPNW XII, Lake Tahoe, USA, 2-5 Sep. 2008
Luo L C, D P Hamilton, P White, W Ye, W Silvester, 2008. Impacts of climate and land use on Lake Rotorua water quality based on a coupled climate-watershed-lake ecosystem model, Annual Conference of New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society (NZFSS 2008), New Plymouth, 23-27 Nov. 2008.
Luo L C. Introduction to ELCOM-CAEDYM (a three-dimensional lake/reservoir/estuary ecosystem model), DYRESM-CAEDYM/ELCOM-CAEDYM workshop, Waikato University, 8-10 Dec. 2008.
Luo L C. Current circulations driven by river flows and winds in Lake Rotorua, DYRESM-CAEDYM/ELCOM-CAEDYM workshop, Waikato University, 8-10 Dec. 2008.
Hamilton, D., L. Luo and C. McBride, 2006. Catchment to lake evaluation of water quality of Lake Tarawera. New Zealand Fresh water Science Society Annual Meeting, Auckland, 27-30 Nov. 2006
Luo L C & Qin B Q. 2004. Hydrodynamics and its significant effects on aquatic environment in Lake Taihu, CHINA. Launching Workshop for Toxic Cyanobacteria Blooms in Subtropical and Temperate Lakes (organized by Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries-Germany and Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS-CHINA), Wuhan, CHINA, 13-18 Sep. 2004.

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